
Git Source

The block of control information and data for comminicate between user applications. Messages are the exchange medium used by channels to send and receive data through cross-chain networks. A message is sent from a source chain to a destination chain.

struct Message {
    address channel;
    uint256 index;
    uint256 fromChainId;
    address from;
    uint256 toChainId;
    address to;
    uint256 gasLimit;
    bytes encoded;


indexuint256The leaf index lives in channel's incremental mekle tree.
fromChainIduint256The message source chain id.
fromaddressUser application contract address which send the message.
toChainIduint256The message destination chain id.
toaddressUser application contract address which receive the message.
gasLimituint256Gas limit for destination UA used.
encodedbytesThe calldata which encoded by ABI Encoding.